„Global Perspectives on Cryptologic History“ is the title of a symposium that will be held 15/16 October at the John Hopkins Lab for Applied Physics. Dominik Landwehr will contribute a paper on the role of amateurs and collectors.
The final version of the presentation can be found here
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And an English Abstract here
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NSA’s Center for Cryptologic History sponsors the Symposium on Cryptologic History every two years. The next one will be held 15-16 October 2009. Historians from the Center, other parts of the Intelligence Community, and the Department of Defense will join distinguished scholars from American and foreign academic institutions, along with veterans of the profession and others interested in cryptology, for two days of reflection and debate on the cryptologic past. Under this year’s theme, „Global Perspectives on Cryptologic History,“ participants will consider the impact of cryptology within the context of transnational history. The panels include a range of technological, operational, foreign relations, organizational, counterintelligence, policy, and even literary themes. Past symposia have featured scholarship setting out new ways of considering cryptologic history. The mix of practitioners and scholars on occasion can be volatile, but the result is a significantly enhanced appreciation for the context of past events. This year’s symposium promises to tackle controversial subjects head-on. Breaks and luncheons, presenting rare opportunities for lively discussion and interaction with leading scholars and distinguished experts, will be included in the registration fees. The symposium will be held at the Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory’s Kossiakoff Center in Laurel, Maryland. Make plans to join us for either one or both days of this intellectually stimulating conference. For more information, contact Dr. Kent Sieg, Symposium coordinator, at 301-688-2336 or kgsieg@nsa.gov.
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