How the Polish Soldier Jan Sawka Ran Away from the the Winterthur Camp to Fight on D-Day in Normandy

An almost unbelievable story: Polish architect Jan Sawka had been interned in Winterthur since 1940. In 1944 he disappeared overnight to fight with the Allies on D-Day.

German Version
This story starts in World War II – it covers more than 80 years and a host of different countries. Among Poland, France, England, the USA and Switzerland.

Otto Lüscher, former engineer was a boy in those times of World War II and he has a very precise memory of that time.

Otto Lüscher 2021 at his home in Winterthur with the picture that Jan Sawka gave him 1941. Photo Dominik Landwehr
The picture Jan Sawka gave Otto Lüscher at his birdtday 1941
Jan Sawka arount 1941 photographed by Otto Lüscher with his new Robot camera. Photo Otto Lüscher